Tuesday, October 17, 2006

UM, FIU Foot-Brawl: Who is really to blame?

Before you answer the above question, I have a few things to say. For the last week every sports station on television and radio has covered varying view points, offered "in-depth" analysis, and pretty much played the blame game along with the rest of us. I admit, I became a party to it as well. However, the one instigator that I haven't heard is the one that I am going to address today. SOCIETY! Now before you call me every name in the book, please allow me to explain my position.
First off, is it really that much of a surprise and outrage that something like this took place, on of all places, a football field? Think about it, we're not exactly talking about synchronized swimming. This is football. And don't even start with the, "but it's just a game" crap. Football in this country, is the equivalent of soccer to the Europeans. If our team doesn't win, and win often, fans want to string up, hang in effigy, and seriously injure every member of the team, from the coaches to the water boys. Does that sound like, "just a game" to you? Football evokes emotions that are not often seen anywhere.
Secondly, we dress these players up in uniforms, put enough padding on them to run through a brick wall, and then tell them to, "Go rip his head off?" Did we really expect that they wouldn't try? I think it's pretty naive to believe that human beings, when asked to compete against each other in such a violent arena, could just shut everything off. Now, I will agree that there were a couple idiots out there, who went a little too far. But is it really all that different than every aspect of society?
Lastly, if violence wasn't as accepted in our society, what would we be watching on television. Take a look at your television lineup tonight. I'm guessing you would see roughly 30-40 shows or movies, whose basic premise revolves around murder, rape, shootings, blood.....etc. PBS has tried for years to put meaningful, non-violent shows on the air. Have you seen their ratings? Nobody wants to watch that, and no advertisers will sponsor it. And as we know, no sponsors mean no money.
Please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that we are not responsible for our own actions, because I think everyone should be held accountable for whatever they do. But in a society where violence is such an acceptable form of expression, I think it's ignorant to believe that it wouldn't carry over into a football game. So for those of us who are disgusted with what took place on Saturday night at the Orange Bowl, maybe we should take a look in the mirror. Changes come about from the inside out, not the outside in.
Thanks for reading, have a great night.

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