Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Have you heard the one about the shrimp lifting weights?

No, really, have you heard that shrimp are now lifting weights? In what is quite an unbelievable waste of money and resources, Pacific University biology professor David Skolnick has built a device that measures effects of exercise on SHRIMP!!! No, not short people. Look at the picture to the left, those kinds of shrimp. Mr. Skolnick stated that the device is "somewhat like a treadmill and it allows researchers to measure the activity of an exercising shrimp for a set period of time at known speed and oxygen levels." LOL. You can't make stuff like this up!!! Excuse me, professor???? Ahh......why? I'm glad you asked. The reasoning, according to Professor "Strange", is to measure how fatigued the shrimp get when they are, get this, "not feeling well." He states that when a human being doesn't feel well they generally sleep it off, however for a shrimp it could be "a matter of life and death." Yeah, we wouldn't the shrimp to die.........before we got a chance to kill and eat them ourselves. Makes total sense now?????? Mr. Skolnick and his band of "researchers" also fastened something that resembles a backpack, LOL, on the shrimp to see how they were affected with the additional weight. Please, take a moment to picture this.
And then as if he hadn't said enough, SENOR STRANGE had this to say. "This is really groundbreaking, I can't think of another time in which shrimp were put on a treadmill." Noooooo, Ya don't say???? With all the diseases that we have now, you chose to use valuable resources to study shrimp and their exercise techniques? I would love to know how much much was actually spent for this.
Would anyone else love to meet this guy? He's gotta be worth four or five hours of good, solid laughter. Doc, if you ever in South Florida please let me know.
Thanks for reading, have a great night.

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